Psychiatrist-Scope of Work
Scope of Work:
Level of Effort: The Consultant will work according to the deliverables listed below.
Background: The International Medical Corps Mental Health Department provides Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) consultations through its case management teams located in Bekaa, South, Tripoli, Akkar, Beirut and Mount Lebanon. International Medical Corps also aims to advocate for mental health, by promoting community based interventions through the youth and caregivers. Additionally, it provides awareness sessions on mental health topics and several psychosocial support activities such as ECD, YEP, parenting skills, community support group activities. Moreover, International Medical Corps continues to provide mental health trainings and support the National Mental Health Program, with the MoPH.
Purpose: The purpose of this scope of work is to support the procurement of the services of a Psychiatrist to examine patients to determine general physical condition, following standard medical procedures and formulate treatment program.
Task Description: Consultant will serve as the Psychiatrist project’s activity in South, Nabatiyeh and ISF centers Siddiqine & Chehabiyyeh & Derdghayya (Casa of Tyre); Anqoune & Kfarhatta (Casa of Saida); Ayta Chaab (Casa of Bint Jbeil) and Dayr Syriane-Taybeh (Casa of Marjeyoun). Specifically, Consultant will complete the following tasks:
- Collect information concerning the patient medical and psychiatric history, his/her family psychiatric history and the history of his/her current psychiatric episode. Information can be collected from the patient him/herself and/or from his/her family, relatives, general practitioner.
- Interview the patient to assess his/her general physical condition, and refer when needed for a more in depth medical evaluation
- Order, when needed, laboratory, imagery or other special diagnostic tools, and follow up of the results
- Determine the nature and extent of his/her mental disorder, and suggest an appropriate treatment accordingly.
- Treat or direct treatment of patient, utilizing variety of psychotherapeutic methods and medications. Respect when prescribing, as much as possible, the essential list of psychiatric medication.
- Psycho educate patient and his family
- Follow up on the treatment evaluating the response to medication and the possible side effects and modify the treatment accordingly
- Discharge patient from the program and refer him for the continuity of his treatment when stabilization is done.
- Keep track of patient numbers/cases through IMC outpatient records, to be submitted at the end of every month.
- Attend weekly or biweekly meetings including the technical meeting with the rest of the multidisciplinary team or case management team.
- Reports directly to IMC MHPSS manager.
- Coordinate with IMC MH technical Advisor and MH coordinator for technical support and follow up.
- IMC psychiatrist can refer patients to the hospital when needed upon consultation with the IMC MH Technical Advisor and based on the approval of both the MH Advisor and MH Coordinator.
- As part of the MH LPSP packages, to facilitate Community of Practice meetings with health care providers once per month as a mechanism of support, guidance for discussing challenging cases, and continued capacity building.
- Attend regular meetings, working sessions and trainings organized by IMC.
- Take part in research activities, mapping exercises or assessments based on mutual consensus with the IMC management team.
- Licensed Psychiatrist.
- Completed all necessary registration with the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) and Lebanese Order of Physicians (LoP).
- Specialized Trainings are a plus.
- Fluent in spoken Arabic.
- Previous NGO experience is a plus.
- Personal interest in humanitarian work.
- Willing to adhere to clinic schedule.
- Good communication and teamwork skills.
Deliverables/Due Dates/Payment Schedule:
1. Submit outpatient records and consultant periodic report of the work executed at the end of each month. / Four working days/month in Nabatiyeh- South One working day is equivalent to 4.5 hours / By the end of the month / In-clinic compensation fees per day taking into consideration the transportation fees of 280USD/per day and remote consultations 230 USD/per day
2. 30USD/day for a minimum of 30 minutes community of practice meetings/calls and the total meeting hours not to exceed 1.5
hours/day / at the end of the month / 30USD/day for a minimum of 30 minutes community of practice meetings/calls and the total meeting hours not to exceed 1.5 hours/day
3. Submit outpatient records and consultant periodic report of the work executed at the end of each month.
Three working days/month in ISF, Siddiqine & Chehabiyyeh & Derdghayya (Casa of Tyre); Anqoune & Kfarhatta (Casa of Saida); Ayta Chaab (Casa of Bint Jbeil) and Dayr Syriane-Taybeh (Casa of Marjeyoun)- South One working day is equivalent to 4.5 hours / end of month / In-clinic compensation fees per day taking into account transportation fees is 280USD/day / Remote consultations compensation fees per day is 230USD/day
In-clinic consultations: follow IMC MH internal guidelines
In case of phone consultations: Every 11 phone consultations will be equivalent to one working day even if not performed on the same day. The payment rate that will be followed is as the one listed on the consultant’s agreement. In case the consultant did less than the mentioned number of consultations, she will receive a percentage of their daily allowance equivalent to the number of sessions provided.
The above mentioned hours and days can be subject to change due to several factors such as non- scheduled appointments of the beneficiaries, no show up of beneficiaries, weather and road conditions, and consultants justified absenteeism. Additional days might also be requested to respond to the increased demand. Therefore, the program shows flexibility in the number of working days and/or hours/month where the consultant coordinates with the MHPSS manager in each area to approve any change and compensate for the missed days/hours when needed after discussion with program coordinator/budget holder.
Fee Amount
In-clinic compensation fees per day taking into account transportation fees is 280USD/day Remote consultations compensation fees per day is 230USD/day and 30USD/day for a minimum of 30 minutes community of practice meetings/calls and the total meeting hours not to exceed 1.5 hours/day. He will be paid based on completion and International Medical Corps acceptance of deliverables.
Location of Work: Consultant resides in Beirut, Lebanon and will conduct his work in South.
Please note, for Lebanon-based roles, we are only able to accept applications from candidates who are eligible to work in Lebanon. Since the position is a national role, we are unable to progress applications that would require sponsorship.